Sunday 28 March 2010

Kenneth S. Kantzer and Carl F.H. Henry et al. on Evangelical Affirmations

Kenneth S. Kantzer and Carl F.H. Henry (eds.), Evangelical Affirmations (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 535pp., ISBN 0310595312.

This volume consists of papers presented at the Convocation on Evangelical Affirmations at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in May 1989. I was googling the title of one of the essays, and stumbled across the entire collection available online. The table of contents with links to individual papers and responses can be found here.

I read the collection when it first came out, and benefited from doing so. The debate about the nature of evangelicalism has moved on in the last twenty years, but some of these remain useful discussions, in my opinion.

After the preface and foreword, the contents run as follows:

Chapter 1
The Evangelical Affirmations
Carl F.H. Henry

Chapter 2
Keynote Address
Charles Colson

Chapter 3
Who are the Evangelicals?
Carl F.H. Henry

Response to Carl F.H. Henry
Nathan O. Hatch

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 4
Evangelicals and the Way of Salvation: New Challenges to the Gospel – Universalism and Justification by Faith
James I. Packer

Response to James I. Packer
John Ankerberg and John Weldon

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 5
Word and World: Biblical Authority and the Quandary of Modernity
David F. Wells

Response to David F. Wells
Robert Sloan

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 6
Christian Personal Ethics
Kenneth S. Kantzer

Response to Kenneth S. Kantzer
Ralph D. Winter

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 7
Evangelicals and Social Ethics
Harold O.J. Brown

Response to Harold O.J. Brown
Myron S. Augsburger

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 8
Reflections on the Scope and Function of a Black Evangelical Theology
William H. Bentley and Ruth Lewis Bentley

Response to William H. Bentley and Ruth Lewis Bentley
H.O. Espinoza

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 9
Evangelicals, Ecumenism and the Church
Donald A. Carson

Response to Donald A. Carson
Joseph M. Stowell

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 10
Evangelicals and Modern Science
Robert C. Newman

First Response to Robert C. Newman
Pattle P.T. Pun

Second Response to Robert C. Newman
Wayne Frair

Chapter 11
Tribes People, Idiots or Citizens? Evangelicals, Religious Liberty and a Public Philosophy for the Public Square
Os Guinness

Response to Os Guinness
David P. Scaer

Questions for Discussion

Chapter 12
Afterword: Where Do We Go From Here?
Kenneth S. Kantzer

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