Monday 29 March 2010

Jonathan R. Wilson on Evangelical Ecclesiologies

Jonathan R. Wilson, ‘Discerning the Spirit in the Ferment of Evangelical Ecclesiologies’ (Believers Church Conference 2008).

I recently stumbled across this helpful article by Jonathan R. Wilson, and was glad to do so. The heart of it looks at five movements, all of which are contributing to what he calls the ‘current ferment’ in evangelical ecclesiology.

The five movements are:

• Ancient-future
• Ekklesia project
• Emerging
• Missional
• New monasticism

He provides very good summaries of each of these, with some comments of evaluation, often connected to the ‘gospel’.

It’s available as an html file here, and downloadable as a Word document here.


  1. Great article, thanks for the link to it

  2. Thanks Jason – glad you like it. I always find his work stimulating and provocative – in a good way.
