Sunday 7 February 2010

American Theological Inquiry 3, 1 (2010)

American Theological Inquiry is a biannual journal of theology, culture and history, formed in 2007. Its purpose is ‘to provide an inter-tradition forum for scholars who affirm the historic Ecumenical Creeds of Christendom to constructively communicate contemporary theologies, developments, ideas, commentaries, and insights pertaining to theology, culture, and history toward reforming and elevating Western Christianity’.

The issues are free to download as pdfs, and they typically contain an interesting mix of biblical, theological, and historical reflection, along with a good section of book reviews.

The contents of the most recent volume – 3, 1 (2010) – are as follows:


Gannon Murphy
On Nepsis and the Spirit of the Age

Patristical Reading

St. Ignatius of Antioch
Epistolary Selections


W. Berry Norwood
The Church Fathers and the Deity of Christ

J.V. Fesko
Preaching as a Means of Grace and the Doctrine of Sanctification: A Reformed Perspective

Michael A. G. Haykin
‘He Went About Doing Good’: Eighteenth-Century Particular Baptists on the Necessity of Good Works

Robert Wood
The Catholic Philosopher and Metaphysics

Glenn B. Siniscalchi
In Defense of Christian Theistic Metaethics

J. Lyle Story
The Dynamic, Relational, and Loving Purpose of God

Ken Deusterman
Stephen Charnock’s Doctrine of God: An Anthology of the Existence and Attributes of God

In Honor of the Rev. Dr. John McKenzie

Editor’s Note

Tony Campbell
God and Suffering—’It Happens’: Job’s Silent Solution

Jean-Marie de la Trinité
The Reverend John L. McKenzie (1910-1991): A Personal Memoir

Book Reviews

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