Monday 4 January 2010

The Theology of John M. Frame

John J. Hughes (ed.), Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John M. Frame (Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2009), lxxxi +1118pp., ISBN 9781596381643.

This is my first book of 2010. At over 1,200 pages long, it’s unlikely I’ll read all of it, but it does look like a superb collection of essays engaging with different aspects of John Frame’s own voluminous output.

The publisher’s website profiles it here, from where it is also possible to download a pdf of the table of contents.

Although it is effectively a Festschrift for John Frame, it is slightly unusual in that he himself has collaborated in its production, providing two chapters of orientation to his thinking, including this one on the genesis and main ideas of his books.

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