Monday 25 January 2010

Philip Greenslade on the Outline of 1 Peter

Philip Greenslade, 1 Peter: Living Hope, Cover to Cover Bible Discovery (Farnham: CWR, 2004).

1:1-13 – God’s people are different

• Life in the eternal triangle (1:1-2)
• Living hope, lasting heritage (1:3-4)
• Gold-standard faith (1:5-9)
• Salvation in three tenses (1:10-13)

1:14-21 – God’s people dare to be as different as God

• Father’s look-alike children (1:14-16)
• Fear that takes God seriously (1:17)
• Freedom from futility through the cross (1:18-21)

1:22-2:10 – God’s people live differently together

• Purified by truth for love (1:22-25)
• Purified by grace for growth (2:1-3)
• Privileged with a threefold purpose (2:4-8)
• Privileged with a fourfold identity (2:9-10)

2:11-25 – God’s people behave differently in the world

• Living differently as strangers (2:11-12)
• Living differently as subjects (2:13-17)
• Living differently as servants (2:18-20)
• The cross makes all the difference (2:21-25)

3:1-12 – God’s people think differently about the good life

• Sharing the good life – as spouses (3:1-7)
• Sharing the secrets of the good life – as brothers and sisters (3:8-12)

3:13-4:6 – God’s people react differently to pressure

• Suffering bravely (3:13-14)
• Sanctifying Christ as Lord (3:15-17)
• Secure in Christ’s achievement (3:18-22)
• Surprising the godless (4:1-6)

4:7-19 – God’s people look differently at the future

• Stewards of grace (4:7-11)
• Suffering for glory (4:12-19)

5:1-14 – God’s people stay different

• Stooping in grace to conquer (5:1-9)
• Strengthened by grace for glory (5:10-11)
• Standing firm in true grace (5:12-14)

A ready-made eight-week sermon series…

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