Saturday 9 January 2010

Missional Journal 4, 1 (2010) on Theological Hospitality

The latest issue – 4, 1 (January 2010) – of Missional Journal, written by David G. Dunbar of Biblical Seminary looks at ‘Theological Hospitality’.

Dunbar writes of his conviction that the ‘missional church’ movement ‘gives fresh impetus for a renewed search for evangelical unity centered in a robust, historic, Trinitarian orthodoxy’, where ‘the unity of the church is not for our benefit (primarily) but for the good of the world and the furtherance of God’s reconciling purposes’.

He refers to a forthcoming book by John H. Armstrong, Your Church Is Too Small: Why Unity in Christ’s Mission is Vital to the Future of the Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, forthcoming 2010), and notes his dependence on David Buschart, Exploring Protestant Traditions: An Invitation to Theological Hospitality (Downers Grove: IVP, 2006) for the notion of ‘theological hospitality’.

Citing Buschart, he writes:

‘We should understand… that commitment to a particular theological position or tradition is not in itself a hindrance to the faithful practice of hospitality. A crucial determinant is attitude. Do we see our tradition as a fortress (to be defended against the enemy!) or as a home (in which to welcome friends)? The latter requires us to practice humility, and this “entails admitting that one’s theology is neither complete nor free of errors… Such fallibility is often acknowledged, at least in principle, but theological hospitality requires acting upon this humility”’ (7).

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