Friday 21 August 2009

Journal of World Christianity

It’s perhaps already become something of a truism that while Christianity is waning in the west, it is growing phenomenally in the global south. This shift in the centre of gravity is increasingly affecting the way biblical interpretation, the tasks of theological reflection, mission and church practice are conceived and carried out – in greater recognition of the phenomenon of Christianity as a global religion.

The Journal of World Christianity, published by the Center for World Christianity at New York Theological Seminary, ‘explores inter-cultural, inter-confessional, and inter-religious dynamics of Christianity as a world religion’.

Thanks to the Henry Luce Foundation, access to the journal is free, though registration is required. Two issues of the journal are currently available.

The editors – Dale T. Irvin and Patrick Provost-Smith – introduce the journal in the first issue by saying that their mission is ‘to advance the understanding of Christianity in its various dimensions on six continents in both its local and global expressions’ (i).

N.B. I couldn’t download any of the articles using Apple’s Safari, but Firefox worked just fine.

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