Tuesday 7 July 2009

Trevin Wax on N.T. Wright and John Piper on Justification

Trevin Wax, ‘The Justification Debate: A Primer’, Christianity Today (June 2009).

Although I continue to follow the issue with interest, I haven’t had the will or managed to muster the energy to blog about the ongoing debates surrounding justification, particularly as they are centred around the respective positions of John Piper and N.T. Wright.

However, I am happy to draw attention to this handy summary statement, by Trevin Wax, of the approaches taken by the two ‘pastor-theologians’ on the problem, the law, God’s righteousness, first-century Judaism, the gospel, how justification happens, and future justification.

A 4.56MB pdf, preserving the original look of the magazine pages is available here.

A related piece – ‘Not an Academic Question’ – features some pastors’ reflections on the significance of the debate for ministry.

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