Friday 6 February 2009

Life Beyond Debt

Yesterday I attended the Life Beyond Debt conference organised by the Evangelical Alliance, sponsored by Kingdom Bank, in partnership with Stewardship and the Salvation Army.

The day brought together a number of Christian agencies along with some church leaders who are active in helping people face debt issues, with the aim of encouraging what is already being done as well as challenging churches to do more.

The initiative is supported by the Government, and Hazel Blears, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government also spoke at the conference, recognising the good and necessary work carried out by faith groups, but making it clear that public money would be for public use and not for faith groups to ‘proselytise’ others. (See report here.)

A public statement was released during the day, which is available on the campaign’s website (which will run until November 2009), where further information and resources are available.

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