Saturday 21 February 2009

Chris Wright on Psalm 119

Chris Wright delivered Bible readings on Psalm 119 at the 1998 Keswick Convention; these were subsequently published in David Porter (ed.), Truth on Fire: 1998 Keswick Ministry (Carlisle: OM Publishing, 1998), 13-99, and separately as Life Through God’s Word: Psalm 119 (Bletchley: Authentic, 2006).

Chris looks at the psalm under the following five themes, focusing on a particular portion of the psalm in each case, but also tracing the theme elsewhere in the psalm:

1. Personal sin and the word of God’s grace (Psalm 119:9-16)

2. Personal struggle and the word of lament (Psalm 119:81-88)

3. Personal guidance and the word of light (Psalm 119:97-105)

4. Personal commitment and the word of love (Psalm 119:57-64)

5. Personal renewal and the word of life (Psalm 119:153-60)

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