Tuesday 6 January 2009

On the Structure of Genesis

One of the simplest ways of looking at the book of Genesis is as follows:

1. Primeval Narratives (Genesis 1-11)

2. Patriarchal Narratives (Genesis 12-50)

(a) Abraham (12-25)
(b) Jacob (26-36)
(c) Joseph (37-50)

Although this outline gives an indication of the content of Genesis, it doesn’t suggest any possible relationship between the parts.

More significant is the repeated formula, ‘These are the generations of…’, which naturally arises from the text itself, leading to an outline of Genesis with an introductory section followed by ten further sections each introduced with the formula.

1. The story of creation (1:1-2:3)
2. The generations of the heavens and the earth (2:4-4:26)
3. The generations of Adam (5:1-6:8)
4. The generations of Noah (6:9-9:29)
5. The generations of the sons of Noah (10:1-11:9)
6. The generations of Shem (11:10-26)
7. The generations of Terah (11:27-25:11)
8. The generations of Ishmael (25:12-18)
9. The generations of Isaac (25:19-35:29)
10. The generations of Esau (36:1-37:1)
11. The generations of Jacob (37:2-50:26)

It is regularly noted that the movement in these sections is from progenitor to progeny, either through the narrative that follows or via a genealogy. The presence of the formula in both main sections (chs. 1-11 and 12-50) supports the text’s unity, and suggests a movement forward, possibly even a plan in progress.

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