Friday 16 January 2009

John Stott on Parochial Evangelism by the Laity

Over at Quaerentia, Mark Meynell has kindly made available what he calls a ‘treat from the Stott archive’ – a 10-page paper by John Stott, given in 1952, called Parochial Evangelism by the Laity. It can be downloaded as a (1.9 MB) pdf file here.

As Mark points out, it’s ‘a classic Stott distillation of useful and practical wisdom’, in many ways providing ‘a glimpse as to why much of what he did at All Souls in the 50s and 60s was so pioneering’ – not least when we take into account that he was addressing ‘all the clergy in the London diocese, few of whom would have been evangelical in 1952’. His deliberate determination to delegate ministry to the ‘laity’, along with a call to train people for such ministry, would have been highly significant, even revolutionary.

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