The latest Master’s Seminary Journal has been posted online. According to the Editorial, ‘the focus of the current issue… is the person of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New’ (152).
A pdf of the journal can be downloaded here.
Iosif J. Zhakevich
Editorial: The Christ of Scripture
Abner Chou
All That Is in a Name: Daniel’s Deliberate Christology and The Concept of the Son of Man
Given the substantial influence of the book of Daniel on New Testament Christology particularly through the phrase the “Son of Man,” scholars have asked numerous questions about the nature and significance of the title, even inquiring why it is used in certain contexts and books and not others. While commentators have attempted numerous responses to these issues, a helpful approach is to go back to the very source of the concept of the Son of Man, Daniel himself. The contention of this article is that Daniel not only spoke of the Messiah but did so with the concept of the “Son of Man” as the unifying center of his Christology. Analyzing Daniel’s Christology in this manner fleshes out the complete nature of the “Son of Man,” which gives answers to questions posed by scholarship. Even more, such analysis explains the very reason why this title is Christ’s favorite, as it expresses the totality of His mission and destiny.
Jamie Bissmeyer
The Heavenly Third Party in Job: A Preview of the Work of Christ
Though the book of Job was written long before the days of Christ, it makes significant contributions to the believer’s understanding of Christology. Job protests his case before God and man, observing the need for a heavenly third party to plead on his behalf. This third party is found in legal metaphor as a adjudicator between God and Job who would bring about Job’s justification. Job realizes the need for this adjudicator because of God’s holiness and righteousness. As this becomes clear to him, Job appeals to the heavenly third party to save him from sin, grant him a resurrection body, and reconcile him to God. This third party previews the work of Christ Jesus, who accomplishes salvation from sin, grants resurrection from the dead, and reconciliation to God for His redeemed.
Jason Beals
The Second Adam and the Necessity for Eschatological Earthly Dominion
The Old Testament’s portrayal of the coming Davidic King demonstrates His successes in the realm in which Adam failed. God tasked Adam with a mandate of dominion, in which he must rule over and subdue the created order such that it flourishes. However, Adam failed to uphold this mandate by disobeying God’s Word, plunging the world into sin. Though mankind’s mandate was not removed, none who followed Adam lived up to the fullness of its requirements before God. Yet the Scriptures make it clear that the Davidic King will not collapse like Adam, nor any other earthly king. He will succeed in the divine mandate. And it is this action that necessitates an earthly kingdom, such that the Second Adam triumphs in dominion as King over all creation.
Jared Moore
Are Your Temptations Like Jesus’ Temptations? Yes and No!
The words of the author of Hebrews, that Jesus “has been tempted in all things like we are, yet without sin,” stir controversy regarding the nature of Jesus’ temptations. Some utilize this statement as a vindication of the moral difference between the desire to sin and the act of sin, arguing that only the latter is condemned in Scripture. They argue that because temptation comes through our desires, and Jesus was tempted as we are, then desires for sin cannot be sinful because Jesus never sinned. However, this article refutes that claim by demonstrating that none of Jesus’ temptations came from within, that is from a sinful nature. Scripture never indicates that Jesus had a desire to commit sin. Rather, Jesus was tempted by that which was external to Him, by Satan, for good gifts fulfilled through sinful means.
Corey Williams and Iosif J. Zhakevich
An Interview with Iosif J. Zhakevich: The John MacArthur Publishing Group
This conversation between Corey Williams and Iosif J. Zhakevich, director of the John MacArthur Publishing Group, introduces the purpose and plan of this publishing endeavor. They discuss the value of producing biblical books and the actual projects they are currently working on. Zhakevich explains that the ultimate goal is to expound Scripture and to help believers be conformed to the image of Christ.
Mark Zhakevich
Jesus’ Love for His Own: The Remnant in John
Remnant theology in John centers on John’s presentation of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and His followers as His sheep. John demonstrates that Jesus declared Himself to be the hope of the remnant – the ultimate Shepherd about whom the Old Testament prophesied. This Good Shepherd offers the promise of eternal life to the remnant, secured by His work of redemption for the remnant. Upon redeeming His own, He regathers them together as one flock under one Shepherd, protecting them, and giving them an eternal purpose – that they would know Him and glorify Him.
Aaron Valdizan
The Significance of the Divine Name in Peter’s Pentecost Sermon
One of the reasons that the personal name of God is usually left out of translations of the Old Testament is its absence in the New Testament. However, the New Testament authors’ application to Jesus of the traditional Greek substitute for the Tetragrammaton (κύριος) reveals that they had a unique theological reason for doing so that is less clear when the divine name is missing from Old Testament translations. Peter’s use of OT Yahweh texts in Acts 2:14–36 exemplifies this unique application of texts about Yahweh to Jesus. This study of Yahweh texts in Peter’s Pentecost sermon reveals that the NT writers used κύριος to refer to two concepts at once in order to emphasize that Jesus is both Yahweh and the Master (κύριος, אדני) who must be obeyed.
Austin T. Duncan
Conversations with Jesus: Jesus and Saul
Though Jesus has ascended to heaven, Acts makes it clear that He is continuing to build His Church. One narrative that depicts this clearly is Saul’s theophanic vision on the road to Damascus. Saul, a murderer, is stopped in his tracks by the Lord of those Saul was seeking to persecute. Saul’s encounter with the resurrected Christ puts Saul on his face, so that Jesus may then put Saul on His mission. This arresting narrative teaches the reader that Jesus is sovereign over His Church, that His grace transforms the vilest of sinners, and that His saints belong to Him.
Jeffrey P. Tomkins
Colossians 1:16–17 and the Theological Implications of Christ as Creator and Sustainer
One of the key passages in the New Testament that proclaims Christ to be both Creator and Sustainer is Colossians 1:16–17. While most published works have treated Colossians 1:15–20 as a complete whole looking at its structure and content as a possible hymn, this present effort focuses on the Creator-Sustainer formula contained within verses 16 and 17. This text articulates this formula by its usage of prepositions combined with variations of πᾶς, its choice and usage of verbs, and the prevailing historical-cultural context. After demonstrating Christ’s role as Creator and Sustainer from Colossians 1:16–17, this paper will explore the theological implications of Christ as Creator and Sustainer that are applicable to the Christian’s daily life and fellowship with the Triune God.