Thursday 5 January 2023

Mission Frontiers 45, 1 (January–February 2023)

The January–February 2023 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles devoted to ‘Cascading Gospel: Movements Starting Movements’.

Here is the issue blurb, which sets the scene:

‘Kingdom movements (four or more generations of churches planting churches, in multiple streams) are happening outside the direct personal experience of most of us. We didn’t come to faith in a movement and we’ve not catalyzed a movement. We know missionaries who have labored faithfully for many years and not seen a movement result. Some of us… are, or have been, workers who saw some fruit among the unreached, but nothing resembling a movement. As a result, the whole idea of catalyzing a movement can have an aura of mystery about it. In this issue, we’re blessed to be able to offer you a few security-sensitive glimpses into some ways God is accomplishing this multiplication through his servants.’

The issue is available here, from where individual articles can be downloaded, and the entire issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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