Sunday 1 December 2013

Tom Wright on Creation, Power, and Truth

I was asked to write six brief book notes for the November 2013 edition of EG, published by LICC. I’ve posted them individually here over the last few weeks, and this is the last in the series.

Tom Wright, Creation, Power and Truth: The Gospel in a World of Cultural Confusion (London: SPCK, 2013).

With winsomeness and eloquence, and modelling the best of theological engagement in the process, Wright tackles three prominent cultural drivers – gnosticism, imperialism, and postmodernism. He draws on a trinitarian framework to do so: where the God of creation deals with people in the earthiness of everyday life, and will one day renew the heavens and earth; where Jesus is Lord, whose life and death have redefined power, which frees us to speak truth to power; where the Spirit of truth equips the church not just to enjoy ‘spiritual’ experiences, but to know, speak, and live out the truth.

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