Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Bible in Transmission (Winter 2013) on Rediscovering Hope

The latest issue of The Bible in Transmission, from Bible Society, is available online here, offering a collection of articles on ‘Rediscovering Hope’.

Hope, in any philosophically or theologically serious sense, has largely disappeared as a topic of public discourse in Anglo-American societies. More alarmingly, even for the Christian churches the theological virtue of hope is today strikingly absent. Against this background, Markus Bockmuehl asks, what place remains for the message of Christian hope, as taught in Scripture?

Stephen Kuhrt argues that hope is something that should be setting the agenda and direction of the Church. A shift towards a more biblical eschatology will have significant practical implications in terms of the Church’s ministry and mission.

How should we think about hope in the context of the ecological crisis we are facing? Ruth Valerio explains how the biblical promises about the future of this planet can inspire us to live responsibly in the here and now. The Church must take a leading role if we are to live more lightly on this earth

Evangelist Miriam Swaffield explains why she has hope for her contemporaries, the 18–30 year olds of the ‘millennial generation’.

An outline of some of the most important ways in which digital media are handling the way people die and mourn today. Christians need to think seriously about how they can bring their message of hope and love to this emerging network society.

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