Saturday 2 November 2013

Colin Bell et al. on Religious Faiths and Sustainability

Colin Bell, Jonathan Chaplin, and Robert White (eds.), Living Lightly, Living Faithfully: Religious Faiths and the Future of Sustainability (Cambridge: The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, 2013).

Jointly published by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and KLICE, the above book, based on the ‘Sustainability in Crisis’ conference of 2011, is available in print form at £7 or free as a PDF and on Kindle from here.

Here is some blurb:

Living Lightly, Living Faithfully explores the distinctive contributions that religions can make to confronting the challenges of sustainability. Originating from a conference at Cambridge University, it contains essays from a wide variety of authors representing diverse faith and secular positions, helping us chart a path towards a more sustainable future, and inspiring us to set out on it with renewed passion and hope.’

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