Friday 1 July 2011

2011 Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar

The 2011 Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar will be a dialogue between Tom Wright, Mike Goheen, and Scott Hahn on the topic of ‘Jesus – A Public Figure Making a Public Pronouncement: Mission, Worldview and the People of God’.

For those able to be in San Francisco on Friday 18 November later this year, perhaps there for the AAR/SBL and ETS meetings, this has all the makings of a great free event. I hope the fruits of it will be made more widely available afterwards.

Here’s the blurb:

‘SAHS presents an engagement with Tom Wright and his magisterial work on the New Testament. Tom’s work rightly alerts us to the importance of big-picture work in biblical studies without compromising on rigorous exegesis. Our event will focus on the big-picture elements of his work, namely mission, worldview and the people of God, and how they relate to Jesus’ ministry and his proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God. All these elements are central to Wright’s work and the work of our two respondents.

‘Mike Goheen did his doctoral work on the missional ecclesiology of Lesslie Newbigin and continues to write on worldview as well as missional church. Scott Hahn’s doctoral work was on a biblical theology of covenant and he continues to publish on a wide variety of subjects. Mike and Scott will engage these major themes of Wright’s work constructively from their particular perspectives, Protestant evangelical and a Catholic, respectively. Tom will then have time to respond.

‘The importance of this dialogue should not be underestimated. Wright’s work is widely known and influential but these central elements in his work have still to be fully engaged.’


  1. Any idea if audio of this event will be made available for downloading at some point?

  2. Craig – I’m afraid I don’t know; but, as I mention in my post, I hope those of us who are not able to make it will be able to have the opportunity of eavesdropping on the discussion – whether by audio or some other means. Thanks – Antony
