Saturday 26 March 2011

Englewood Review of Books 2, 1 (Lent 2011)

The Lent 2011 issue of Englewood Review of Books is now available.

Among other items of interest, this one contains a piece on the significance of congregational conversations (8-9), a review of two books on reading – in particular, reading ‘as a means to engage the culture in which we find ourselves’ (11), a conversation with Scot McKnight about his recent book, One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow, focusing a fair bit on the relationship between the kingdom and the church, and a review of the collection of essays published from the 2010 Wheaton Theology conference, in theological dialogue with N.T. Wright.

Those outside North America are able to sign up for a free electronic edition, kindly delivered to your inbox as an attached pdf.

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