Monday 10 May 2010

Urban Mission in Europe

‘European Mission’, the blog for the Nova Research Centre (based at Redcliffe College, Gloucester UK, focusing on researching and innovating mission in Europe) draws attention to a recent survey of life in 75 European cities - ‘Perception Survey on Quality of Life in European Cities’ – conducted by The Gallup Organisation, Hungary.

European Mission summarises some of the findings of the report here, noting that the three things that concerned the citizens of seventy-five major cities were job creation and reducing unemployment (64 cities), improving the quality and availability of health services (54 cities), and improving education and training (39 cities). Other important issues were the availability of housing, urban safety, air pollution, and road and public transport.

Nova suggests that the report contains a lot of information ‘that fills out the contextual background for urban mission – suggesting potential entry points and ministry emphases’.

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