Tuesday 18 May 2010

Princeton Theological Review 16, 1 (Spring 2010)

The latest Princeton Theological Review is available here, with some very interesting-looking essays in the area of ‘Mission and Ecumenics’:

Cambria Janae Kaltwasser

Patrick Dunn
The Priest and the Pauper

Benjamin Heidgerken
Apologia Pro Ecclesia Sua

John G. Flett
A Bastard in the Royal Family: Wither Mission?

Peter Kline
Is God Missionary? Augustine and the Divine Missions

Benjamin Connor
The Ministry Section of BEM: Affirmations and Challenges

Joel Estes
Paul as Teacher, Mother, Father, and Child: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 as a Model for Mission

Jeff DeSurra
Converting the West: Examining Lesslie Newbigin’s Model for Mission to the West

Cody Lewis Oaks
The Church’s Future Witness and the Necessity of a Dialectical/Historical Self-Appraisal

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