Saturday 29 May 2010

Lausanne on Glocalized Evangelism

The themed articles in the Lausanne World Pulse for May 2010 are devoted to ‘glocalized evangelism’, with the following contributions:

Tuvya Zaretsky
Glocalization, Diaspora Missiology, and Friendship Evangelism

Today, the cross-cultural experience is not taking place in a foreign land. The world is coming to our doorsteps as people on the move. Diaspora can be a global phenomenon with local implications or a local phenomenon with global implications. Zaretsky discusses the theological basic of diaspora and offers case studies for reflection

Eric Célérier
The Church as Glocal… Addressing the World and Our Community

If we want the gospel message to be relevant for our generation, we need to be glocal in our approach. Glocal is the process most adapted for every organization which considers evangelism as the Great Commission. The author shares the four-part process for Internet glocal evangelism.

Winston Smith
Bridge Peoples: The Role of Ethnic Minorities in Global Evangelization

The author takes a biblical look at bridge people and shares why individuals with dual ethnicities are key to the growth of the church. He also shares a five-part plan on partnering with bridge people.

Victor Cuartas
Demands of the Kingdom of God in Relation to Ethnic Diversity

What are the demands of the Kingdom of God in relation to ethnic diversity? The author shares five elements.

Knud Jørgensen
Glocalization from a Norwegian Perspective

Jørgensen takes the reader on a journey of mission in the Norwegian Church, a journey that includes the local church slowly beginning to take center stage as the primary instrument of mission. The deviates off the traditional concept that mission stems from missionary societies.

It also contains two ‘perspectives’ articles:

Kirsteen Kim
Connecting Local and Global Church: A Preview to Edinburgh 2010

The author looks at how the 1910 Edinburgh conference impacted missions and why things are radically different today. Kim says although the Western missionary movement provided an important catalyst for the growth of Christianity worldwide, the actual work of world evangelization has been achieved mainly through local people in local churches. To demonstrate that Christianity is a global religion, a majority of delegates at the June 2010 gathering in Edinburgh will be representatives of local churches from the global South.

Douglas Shaw
The Gospel & International Studies: Can We Make the Connection?

No longer is it necessary to fly groups around the world to have an international impact for Christ. Shaw shares how International Students, Inc. is impacting local communities and colleges for Christ. The core of ISI’s mission strategy is cross-cultural outreach, or friendship evangelism.

The whole issue is available as a pdf here, and an executive summary (from which the above summaries are taken) is available here.

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