Friday 14 May 2010

Fuller Theological Seminary Faculty on the Gospel

Theology, News and Notes 51, 2 (June 2004), issued by Fuller Theological Seminary, was devoted the Gospel, with some very good concise essays addressing the topic from different perspectives.

Marianne Meye Thompson
About This Issue: Reflecting on the Gospel

An introduction to the issue and summary of the contributions.

Robert A. Guelich
What is the Gospel?

A wrestling with the question from a biblical perspective, paying particular attention to the sometimes alleged differences between the gospel of Christ crucified (in Paul) and the gospel of the kingdom (in the Synoptic Gospels), setting both against the background of promises of salvation in Isaiah.

Richard J. Mouw
Seeking the Lost

A consideration of the Zacchaeus story in Luke 19:1-10, looking particularly at the mission statement of Jesus in 19:10 (that the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost) and the restitution Zacchaeus was obliged to make as a result of his encounter with Jesus.

Marianne Meye Thompson
The Gospel of Life

A treatment of the raising of Lazarus in John 11 as providing in narrative form a statement of the gospel, under four points: (1) the gospel is what God does for God’s glory; (2) the gospel is about God’s love for the world, reaching into the dark and dead places of life; (3) in the gospel we see that God brings glory to himself through giving life to humankind; (4) the gospel is about what God does that we cannot do for ourselves.

John Goldingay
Israel’s Gospel: God Has Begun to Reign

A reflection on the declaration, in Isaiah 52:7, that God has begun to reign.

Mark Lau Branson
Reflecting on the Gospel: On Changing Stories

The competing ‘gospel’ narratives of consumer capitalism and globalisation promise ‘salvation’ and a way of life, but they are false gospels and offer a false salvation.

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