Tuesday 27 April 2010

More on the Wheaton Conference on N.T. Wright

I’ve already linked (here) to the video and audio of presentations at the recent Annual Wheaton Conference on ‘Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright’.

There are many reports and reflections on the conference now available online, including by the following:

William B. Evans (at Reformation21)

Michael Gorman (five posts, beginning here)

Nijay Gupta (two posts on Day 1, beginning here)

I read the news earlier today – and by now everyone will probably know – that Wright is moving from Durham to take up a post at the University of St Andrews. It’s reported on here (from the Durham perspective) and here (from the St Andrews perspective).


  1. ok... so which talks do i listen to first?


  2. If you think you might listen to them all, listen to them in the order as given would probably be my advice. Otherwise, read some of the reports and make a more informed choice based on the comments of others.

  3. ta, and if you want album artwork for the talks...


  4. ... though my own 4KB homemade one was looking not too bad...
