Monday 19 April 2010

The 19th Annual Wheaton Theology Conference (April 16-17, 2010) on ‘Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N.T. Wright’

The sessions from the recent Wheaton Theology Conference on N.T. Wright have generously been made available here as flash videos and mp3 downloads. I’ll be indulging in a few of these at some point…

Richard Hays
Knowing Jesus: Story, History, and the Question of Truth

Marianne Meye Thompson
The Gospel of John Meets Jesus and the Victory of God

N.T. Wright
Chapel Message

Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat
‘Outside of a Small Circle of Friends’: Jesus and the Justice of God

Nicholas Perrin
Jesus’ Eschatology and Kingdom Ethics: Ever the Twain Shall Meet

Wright, Hays, Walsh, Keesmaat, Thompson, and Perrin
Panel Discussion

N.T. Wright
Jesus and the People of God: Whence and Whither Historical Jesus Studies and the Life of the Church?

Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Wrighting the Wrongs of the Reformation? The State of the Union with Christ in St. Paul and in Protestant Soteriology

Jeremy Begbie
The Shape of Things to Come? Wright Amidst Emerging Ecclesiologies

Markus Bockmuehl
Did St. Paul Go to Heaven When He Died?

Edith Humphrey
Glimpsing the Glory: Paul’s Gospel, Righteousness and the Beautiful Feet of N.T. Wright

Wright, Vanhoozer, Begbie, Bockmuehl, and Humphrey
Panel Discussion

N.T. Wright
Paul and the People of God: Whence and Whither Pauline Studies and the Life of the Church?

UPDATE (28 April 2010)
I added two sessions above which were subsequently added to the recordings after this original post.

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